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Algorithm: Advanced_Bubble_Sort ( A, N )
Here, A is any numerical array with N number of unordered values. This algorithm will arranged the values in non-decreasing order.
Assuming, index of the array is started from 0.
1/ Scan:= 1
2/ WHILE Scan < N, Do
Flag:= 0
i:= 0
WHILE i < (N-Scan), Do
IF A(i) > A(i+1), then
Interchange A(i) and A(i+1)
Flag:= 1
End of IF
IF Flag=1, then
End of IF
End of WHILE (Inner Loop)
Scan:= (Scan+1)
End of WHILE (Outer Loop)
this algorithm, consecutive values are comparing for their existing
order, if it is not the desire order then interchanging consecutive
values to maintain ordering between every consecutive values. When, all
the consecutive values will be in same order, the entire set will be in
the same order. As per the algorithm, in every iteration(Scan), the
largest value among index 0 to index (N-Scan) will be placed in the
index (N-Scan). After iteration(Scan) number i, values at index (N-i) to
(N-1) will be arranged in the desired order.
This algorithm works similar to that Bubble Sort method but the only difference is that, in this algorithm, if the data set is arranged in any intermediate iteration(Scan), the computation will stop after next iteration(Scan). So, for a data set which is initially arranged in the same order as desire, then, computation will stop after Scan 1, total comparisons required (N-1). Also for a data
set which is initially arranged in the reverse order as desire, then,
computation will stop after Scan= (N-1), total comparisons required
(N-1) + (N-2) + . . . . + 2 + 1.
Try Your Own
Consider the set {9, 1, 8, 2, 7, 3, 6, 4}. Test Bubble Sort and Advance Bubble Sort algorithm on this data set and calculate Scan wise comparisons & total number of comparisons required by Bubble Sort and Advanced Bubble Sort.
Consider the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. Test Bubble
Sort and Advance Bubble Sort algorithm on this data set and calculate Scan wise
comparisons & total number of comparisons required by Bubble Sort
and Advanced Bubble Sort.
Consider the set {6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1}. Test Bubble
Sort and Advance Bubble Sort algorithm on this data set and calculate Scan wise
comparisons & total number of comparisons required by Bubble Sort
and Advanced Bubble Sort.